Monday, February 16, 2015

Need borders

Here's my Moda Love made with Sunnyside charms! Love my Kate Spain charms!
#showmethemoda, #modalove

It is about 40" square right now.

Now I need to decide on a border!
I'm trying to decide between a 2" or 4" finished background purple border.
Then I want a Sunnyside print border.

I like them both, but the blue/purple print seems to go so much better with the purple theme. Problem is, I've got a scant 1/2 yard and that's it. I don't know if it would be enough, even if using corner squares from the silver or yellow print. ???????

Time to go to Quilt-Pro and calculate estimates!

On a side note, I'm all icked-out. Three kids with cold/flu and stubborn fevers for the last 12 days. I'm tired of tissue, snot, liquid Tylenol and Ibuprofen with syringes. Boys staying home from school, although they're back this week. The baby has been the last to get the bug, and he's so plugged up, he's refusing to nurse. Even after suctioning his nose! After he chugged some milk pumped into a bottle, he refused to drink anything going down for his nap. He might just be helping to wean himself more quickly than I planned, and that means "ouch" for me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the darker print seems to work better for the final border but perhaps if you don't make the 1st one as wide, you'll have enough of the dark print. So sorry that the germ monster decided to stick around your house
